The days following the Memorial weekend holiday can easily be called the calm after the storm. When mother nature cooperates, beautiful Leech Lake often gives up a plentiful bounty of her finest fishy friends. Hardworking dockhands, in turn, clean, clean, and clean some more. Our free fish cleaning, packaging, and freezing service gobbles up most of the day. A large portion of our guests are here for a long weekend and head home Monday and Tuesday. After the hustle and bustle of a busy weekend dissipates we have some time to catch our breath and ready ourselves for the beginning of summer and the start of our Saturday-to-Saturday rental season.
Pictured Below from L to R: Scot Bowman from New Hope, MN with a limit of harbor crappies – Justin Rogers from Ankeny, IA with his daughter and son. lots of smiles there!
The spring panfish/perch bite is quickly coming to an end as these sought-after fishies finish their spawning and move off to who knows where for the next couple of months. If you know where crappies are hiding in July, I’d love to know!
Walleye are also changing up their daily routines. As the season progresses and water temperatures rise, this has been slow this year with the rain and cool weather, not to mention the constant battle with wind. Walleye are starting to steer away from shallow windblown rock structure and head towards mid-lake reefs, and areas of sand. Leeches and Night Crawlers quickly become the bait of choice, either by way of a lindy rig or slip bobber. Many anglers are chomping at the bit to tie on some crankbaits and take advantage of the plethora of large, rocky reefs that our side of the lake offers. Crankbaits have been especially deadly at night lately, you might even catch a glimpse of the northern lights!
Pictured below from L to R: Mike Rogers from Fort Dodge, IA his granddaughter, and son Justin. That middle picture might be headed to our new brochure!
As temperatures rise we will soon be chasing all sorts of fish. Muskie and Bass fishing updates will soon begin to come in, and I’ll forward all the information I get. We’re really looking forward to summer here at Big Rock!
Featured image up top is of David Goos and Dennis Porter, both of Ankeny, IA
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